

Revision as of 21:16, 25 August 2023 by JacekCaban (talk | contribs)

Arm64EC toolchain

This document is meant to describe how ARM64EC code is compiled and linked. There is a limited official documentation available: Overview of ARM64EC ABI conventions and Understanding Arm64EC ABI and assembly code. Please read it before continuing to get an overview of the ABI. This document focuses on how the compiler and linker work and interact with each other to produce ARM64EC executables.

DISCLAIMER: It's mostly based on experimentation with MSVC by feeding it with various test cases and analysing results. Presented reasoning for the observed behaviour is just a best guess and should be treated as such.

CHPE metadata

The output of ARM64EC linking is a PE file that uses x86_64 as a machine type (it's different for ARM64X). Its headers are valid x86_64 PE headers and it may be distinguished from pure x86_64 module by presence of CHPE metadata pointer in its load config. CHPE metadata is a structure containing:

CHPE metadata structure is provided by CRT libs. It references a number of synthetic symbols provided by linker (see Code layout, Exception data, Entry points, Importlibs) to provide the necessary information for the system loader and emulator.

Mixing ARM64EC and x86_64 code

ARM64EC has an unique feature that allows porting code from x86_64 to ARM64 one object file at a time. This implies that the linker must be able to link a mixture of x86_64 and ARM64EC code within a single module, where they may call each other. An important implication of that is that any time ARM64EC function calls an external symbol, it needs to be prepared for the fact that the function may be implemented in x86_64 code in which case the call needs to be thunked to emulator.

Code layout

Mixing data sections among architectures is generally fine and linker doesn't do any attempt to separate them. However, code sections need additional linker attention. Code chunks within a section are sorted according to their range type:

  • Arm64: pure ARM64 code, see ARM64X
  • Arm64EC: ARM64 code built in EC mode
  • Amd64: x86_64 code

Additionally, after sorting, linker applies additional 4KB alignment to code range boundaries. This is probably meant to make it easy for JIT engine to watch for writes in relevant parts of the code.

Linker then constructs a code map in a form of an array of code range entry structs containing RVA of start of the range, range length and range type. It sets __hybrid_code_map symbol to the first entry of the map and __hybrid_code_map_count symbol to number of map entries. Those symbols are used by CHPE metadata.

Example (disassembler output stripped to important parts):

$ cat aarch64-func.s
    .globl arm64_func
    .p2align 2, 0x0
    mov w0, #0
$ cat arm64ec-func.s
    .globl arm64ec_func
    .p2align 2, 0x0
    mov w0, #1
$ cat x86_64-func.s
    .globl x86_64_func
    .p2align 2, 0x0
    movl $2, %eax
$ llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=aarch64-windows aarch64-func.s -o aarch64-func.obj
$ llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=arm64ec-windows arm64ec-func.s -o arm64ec-func.obj
$ llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-windows x86_64-func.s -o x86_64-func.obj
$ link -dll -machine:arm64x -noentry -out:test.dll x86_64-func.obj arm64ec-func.obj aarch64-func.obj msvcrt.lib
$ llvm-objdump -d test.dll

test.dll:       file format coff-arm64x

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000180001000 <.text>:
180001000: 52800000     mov     w0, #0x0                // =0
180001004: d65f03c0     ret
180002000: 52800020     mov     w0, #0x1                // =1
180002004: d65f03c0     ret
180003000: b8 02 00 00 00               movl    $0x2, %eax
180003005: c3                           retq

$ llvm-readobj --coff-load-config test.dll
CHPEMetadata [
  Version: 0x1
  CodeMap [
    0x1000 - 0x1014  ARM64
    0x2000 - 0x2074  ARM64EC
    0x3000 - 0x3046  X64

Side note: Sections containing only empty chunks are discarded by linker. This is true on all architectures, but on ARM64EC MSVC still emits a code map entries for discarded sections with 0 length and RVA occupied by the next non-discarded section.

Side note: Code map on MSVC link.exe is apparently generated before range extension thunk. If a range extension thunk is added after the last chunk in range, it will end up out of any range in the code map.

Exception data

ARM64EC object files use the same .pdata section format as ARM64, which differs from that of x86_64. Linker separates them and exposes only x86_64 variant in PE header (in a spirit of PE headers being valid x86_64 headers). It also sets __arm64x_extra_rfe_table symbol to exception data in ARM64 format and __arm64x_extra_rfe_table_size to size of that data. Those symbols are used by CHPE metadata.

(note: it's the other way around for ARM64X).

x86_64 thunks

ARM64EC aims to support x86_64 applications that do hotpatching. For example web browsers use patching for sandboxing, Microsoft Office uses patching for virtualization, games anti-cheat/DRM protections use patching for their protection schemes. Such patchers need a limited knowledge about the patched function's machine code and, since such applications are unaware of ARM code, they would be unable to properly patch ARM64EC machine code. That's why linker generates simple x86_64 thunks with canonical prologue that just jumps to EC function. Those chunks are put into .hexpthk section:

movq    %rsp, %rax
movq    %rbx, 0x20(%rax)
pushq   %rbp
popq    %rbp
jmp ec_func

Target of the jump is an address of ARM64EC code (see Entry thunks for how such jumps work). Such chunks are created by linker for entry points and patchable functions. x86_64 chunks may be referenced by symbols with EXP+ prefix, for example a thunk of function func (with ARM64EC implementation symbol #func) uses symbol EXP+#func.

x86_64 thunks have additional metadata associated that loader and emulator may use for optimizations. In fact, under usual conditions, those thunks may be skipped in runtime if the caller is also EC code and target function may be called directly. In case of imported symbols, this is realized by auxiliary IAT. For patchable functions, this needs an explicit runtime check. If OS emulator notices that the function was patched, then all subsequent calls will go through the chunk, even if they were pure EC calls before patching.

Metadata contains:

  • Code range to entry point table. Linker generates an array of CHPE code range entries. Each entry contains a region start and end RVAs of x86_64 thunk and RVA the same thunk as entry point. It means that StartRva and EntryPoint are equal. Linker sets __x64_code_ranges_to_entry_points symbol to the first entry and __x64_code_ranges_to_entry_points_count symbol to entry count.
  • Redirection metadata. Linker generates an array of CHPE redirection entries. Each entry contains RVA of x86_64 thunk as a source and RVA of EC function (ec_func in the above example) as a destination. Linker sets __arm64x_redirection_metadata symbol to the first entry and __arm64x_redirection_metadata_count symbol to entry count.


$ cat test.c
void test(void) {}
$ cl -arm64EC -c test.c
$ link -out:test.dll -machine:arm64ec -dll -noentry test.obj -export:test
$ llvm-objdump -d --section=.hexpthk test.dll

test.dll:       file format coff-arm64ec

Disassembly of section .hexpthk:

0000000180004000 <test>:
180004000: 48 8b c4                     movq    %rsp, %rax
180004003: 48 89 58 20                  movq    %rbx, 0x20(%rax)
180004007: 55                           pushq   %rbp
180004008: 5d                           popq    %rbp
180004009: e9 0a e0 ff ff               jmp     0x180002018
18000400e: cc                           int3
18000400f: cc                           int3

$ llvm-readobj --coff-load-config test.dll
  CodeRangesToEntryPoints [
    0x4000 - 0x4010 -> 0x4000
  RedirectionMetadata [
    0x4000 -> 0x2018

Entry points

For each EC function exported from PE file and PE entry point, linker generates x86_64 thunks and uses that in PE header and export table. Loader may use associated metadata to figure out ARM64EC function and fill auxiliary IAT of importing module if needed.

Side note: If EC function is expoted as data (replacing -export:test with -export:#test,DATA in the above example), x86_64 thunk will not be generated, so patching will not work, but it's still possible to call such function from both EC and x86_64 code (see Entry thunks).

.hybmp$x section

EC object files have a special section called .hybmp$x, which contains a list of thunks. It's an array of entries containing three 32-bit values: function symbol index, thunk symbol index and thunk type. Thunk type may be one of:


$ cat extcall.c
extern void extfunc(void);
void func(void) { extfunc(); }
$ dumpbin -all extcall.obj

  Offset           Type             From       To
 --------  ---------------------  --------  --------
 00000000  exitthunk_to_guest            E        16  #extfunc$exit_thunk -> extfunc
 0000000C  native_to_entrythunk         15        11  #func -> $ientry_thunk$cdecl$v$v
 00000018  native_to_icall_thunk        16        12  extfunc -> $iexit_thunk$cdecl$v$v
 00000024  native_to_icall_thunk        16        12  extfunc -> $iexit_thunk$cdecl$v$v

Symbol namespace

Function symbols in ARM64EC have additional complication comparing to usual targets. During compilation, compiler doesn't know if an external function will be ARM64EC or x86_64 code. ARM64EC introduces additional symbol mangling. Mangled C functions have # prefix before function name or additional $$h component for C++ functions.

Since x86_64 code has no knowledge about ARM64EC nor its symbol mangling, it always uses unmangled symbols. Whenever ARM64EC code uses an unmangled symbol, it needs to treat it as a possibly emulated function and needs to be prepared to perform a call to the emulator if that's the case (see Exit thunks and Guest exit thunks).

Mangled functions are used only in ARM64EC object files. They are an addition to unmangled symbol: every function symbol used by ARM64EC code has both mangled and unmangled form. They may be aliases to each other, but may be separated things. Unlike unmangled symbols (which may be x86_64), mangled symbols are always directly callable from ARM64EC code.

This convention is maintained almost entirely by the compiler. Linker has very little understanding of mangled symbols. In many cases, compiler emits weak antidependency symbols to achieve that. Antidependency symbols are very similar to weak references, but they don't allow chaining, so cyclic references are not a problem when they happen.

When a non-patchable function func is implemented in ARM64EC object file, the compiler uses symbol #func for its implementation and adds an antidependency symbol, which links func to #func. In this case both symbols are essentially equal.

However, in other cases those symbols may be different, see Guest exit thunks and Patchable functions for such cases. Whenever compiler needs a function address, it uses the unmangled symbol to make sure that the pointer is the actual function, not a thunk. Similarly, when compiler performs a function call, it uses a mangled symbol. It may end up linking to a thunk instead of the actual function, but it guarantees EC code will not try to jump directly to x86_64 code.

Entry thunks

As mentioned by Overview of ARM64EC ABI conventions, the compiler generates a special entry thunks that emulator may use whenever ARM64EC function is called from x86_64 code. The compiler puts those thunks in a section called .wowthk$aa and adds an entry to .hybmp$x section.

When linker pulls a function from an object file, it checks if it has an entry thunk. When it does, it pulls entry thunk as well. It then adds an extra padding to function code and places an offset to entry thunk there. It means that in the final executable for function func, the offset is at #func-4 address. RVA of the thunk may be calculated from function address: thunk_rva = rva(#func) + ((uint32_t *)#func)[-1] - 1.

This is enough for emulator to be able to call ARM64EC function. It knows from the code map that when there is an attempt to jump to #func address from x86_64, it's ARM64EC call. It may then retrieve entry thunk offset from #func-4 address and use it to perform the call (TODO: CFG validation). Since this is enough for x86_64 to ARM64EC calls to work, it's fine to alias unmangled symbols to mangled ones (see Symbol namespace).

Side note: In practice many entry thunks are identical. MSVC attempts to reduce number of duplicates by naming entry thunks after their sygnature, not the name, for example $ientry_thunk$cdecl$i8$v. That's not perfect. LLD has Identical Code Folding optimization which solves duplicates problem much better at link time.

Exit thunks

As mentioned by Overview of ARM64EC ABI conventions, the compiler generates a special exit thunk that's used whenever ARM64EC code needs to call emulator to execute x86_64 code. The compiler puts this code in a section called .wowthk$aa and adds an entry to .hybmp$x section.

An example of exit thunk use is whenever ARM64EC code needs to call a function pointer (see Guest exit thunks, Patchable functions and Importlibs for other use cases). In this case, instead of calling the pointer directly, compiler will use __os_arm64x_dispatch_icall. __os_arm64x_dispatch_icall takes a targget function as an argument in x11 and exit thunk in x10. The thunk then calls the address from x11. If target function ARM64EC code, __os_arm64x_dispatch_icall will just leave x11 unchanged. Otherwise, it will replace it with a thunk that calls the emulator.


$ cat ptrcall.c
extern void (*fptr)(void);
void ptrcall(void) { fptr(); }
$ cl -c -arm64EC ptrcall.c -FA
$ cat ptrcall.asm
|#ptrcall| PROC
; File ptrcall.c
; Line 2
        stp         fp,lr,[sp,#-0x10]!
        mov         fp,sp
        adrp        x8,__os_arm64x_dispatch_icall
        ldr         x9,[x8,__os_arm64x_dispatch_icall]
        adrp        x8,fptr
        ldr         x11,[x8,fptr]
        adrp        x8,|$iexit_thunk$cdecl$v$v|
        add         x10,x8,|$iexit_thunk$cdecl$v$v|
        blr         x9
        blr         x11
        ldp         fp,lr,[sp],#0x10

        ENDP  ; |#ptrcall|

Guest exit thunks

When ARM64EC compiler encounters an external function call, it can not assume that the target is ARM64EC as well, it may be x86_64 function. While in theory it could always use __os_arm64x_dispatch_icall for direct calls like it does for function pointers, it would be quite inefficient in cases when the target is ARM64EC code. Instead, it just calls the mangled symbol, generates yet another thunk and setups symbols in a way that allows linker to do the right thing at link time, when more information is available.

Using a simple example:

// build: cl -c -arm64EC extcall.c -FA
extern void extfunc(void);
void func(void) { extfunc(); }

func just calls #extfunc using mangled symbol:

|#func|	PROC
; File extcall.c
; Line 3
	stp         fp,lr,[sp,#-0x10]!
	mov         fp,sp
	bl          |#extfunc|
	ldp         fp,lr,[sp],#0x10

	ENDP  ; |#func|

Usual targets would emit #extfunc symbol as an undefined symbol. However, ARM64EC defines it as yet another antidependency symbol:

$ llvm-readobj --symbols extcall.obj
  Symbol {
    Name: #extfunc
    Value: 0
    Section: IMAGE_SYM_UNDEFINED (0)
    BaseType: Null (0x0)
    ComplexType: Function (0x2)
    StorageClass: WeakExternal (0x69)
    AuxSymbolCount: 1
    AuxWeakExternal {
      Linked: #extfunc$exit_thunk (14)
      Search: AntiDependency (0x4)

Linked #extfunc$exit_thunk is a symbol of guest exit thunk:

|#extfunc$exit_thunk| PROC
	stp         fp,lr,[sp,#-0x10]!
	adrp        x9,__os_arm64x_dispatch_icall
	ldr         x9,[x9,__os_arm64x_dispatch_icall]
	adrp        x10,|$iexit_thunk$cdecl$v$v|
	add         x10,x10,|$iexit_thunk$cdecl$v$v|
	adrp        x11,extfunc
	add         x11,x11,extfunc
	blr         x9
	ldp         fp,lr,[sp],#0x10
	br          x11

	ENDP  ; |#extfunc$exit_thunk|

Note that this thunk will be skipped if extfunc is implemented as ARM64EC function. In that case, when an object file containing its implementation is pulled by linker, the actual implementation will define #extfunc symbol instead.

However, if extfunc is implemented in x86_64 object file, then only unmangled symbol will be present in its object file. In that case, linker resolves #extfunc to the above thunk using the antidependency symbol. The thunk calls emulator via __os_arm64x_dispatch_icall, passing exit thunk and target function in x10 and x11, just like function pointer call would do.

The compiler also defines unmangled extfunc symbol as an antidependency symbol as well, as a link to mangled symbol:

$ llvm-readobj --symbols extcall.obj
  Symbol {
    Name: extfunc
    Value: 0
    Section: IMAGE_SYM_UNDEFINED (0)
    BaseType: Null (0x0)
    ComplexType: Function (0x2)
    StorageClass: WeakExternal (0x69)
    AuxSymbolCount: 1
    AuxWeakExternal {
      Linked: #extfunc (19)
      Search: AntiDependency (0x4)

Note that if regular weak references would be used, this would create a circular dependency: extfunc -> #extfunc -> #extfunc$exit_thunk -> extfunc. It's not a problem with antidependency symbols.

Guest exit thunks also add an exntry in hybmp$x section:

dumpbin.exe -all extcall.obj

  Offset           Type             From       To
 --------  ---------------------  --------  --------
 00000000  exitthunk_to_guest            E        16  #extfunc$exit_thunk -> extfunc

Side note: the way those symbols are set up makes the job of linker easy. Linker does the right thing based on regular symbol resolution, no special logic is needed for that.

Patchable functions

It's fairly common for Windows applications to patch functions in runtime. While x86_64 generated for entry points solve part of that problem, it's not a complete solution. Patching entry point will not affect internal ARM64EC calls within the module that never go through x86_64 thunks. Applications may also want to patch non-exported functions (for example COM functions).

To solve that problem, MSVC support a new attribute __declspec(hybrid_patchable). When this attribute is used, MSVC assumes that x86_64 thunk will be generated for this function by linker and all calls to that function will check if the thunk was modified. If it was patched, it will call the emulator instead of direct EC call.

Using a simple code as an example:

// build: cl -c -arm64EC patchable.c -FA
int __declspec(hybrid_patchable) func(void) { return 1; }

MSVC will setup symbols differently than it does for regular functions:

$ llvm-readobj --symbols patchable.obj
  Symbol {
    Name: #func
    Value: 0
    Section: IMAGE_SYM_UNDEFINED (0)
    BaseType: Null (0x0)
    ComplexType: Function (0x2)
    StorageClass: WeakExternal (0x69)
    AuxSymbolCount: 1
    AuxWeakExternal {
      Linked: #func$hybpatch_thunk (14)
      Search: Alias (0x3)
  Symbol {
    Name: #func$hp_target
    Value: 0
    Section: .text$mn (3)
    BaseType: Null (0x0)
    ComplexType: Function (0x2)
    StorageClass: External (0x2)
    AuxSymbolCount: 0
  Symbol {
    Name: EXP+#func
    Value: 0
    Section: IMAGE_SYM_UNDEFINED (0)
    BaseType: Null (0x0)
    ComplexType: Function (0x2)
    StorageClass: External (0x2)
    AuxSymbolCount: 0
  Symbol {
    Name: func
    Value: 0
    Section: IMAGE_SYM_UNDEFINED (0)
    BaseType: Null (0x0)
    ComplexType: Function (0x2)
    StorageClass: WeakExternal (0x69)
    AuxSymbolCount: 1
    AuxWeakExternal {
      Linked: EXP+#func (22)
      Search: Alias (0x3)

The unmangled symbol func is an alias to EXP+#func symbol. This symbol is not defined anywhere in the object file. When linker processes such unresolved symbol, it generates a x86_64 thunk for it:

$ link patchable.obj -noentry -out:patchable.dll -dll -machine:arm64ec
$ llvm-objdump -d patchable.dll
Disassembly of section .hexpthk:

0000000180004000 <.hexpthk>:
180004000: 48 8b c4                     movq    %rsp, %rax
180004003: 48 89 58 20                  movq    %rbx, 0x20(%rax)
180004007: 55                           pushq   %rbp
180004008: 5d                           popq    %rbp
180004009: e9 0a e0 ff ff               jmp     0x180002018 <.text+0x1018>
18000400e: cc                           int3
18000400f: cc                           int3

The mangled symbol #func is an alias to #func$hybpatch_thunk:

|#func$hybpatch_thunk| PROC
	stp         fp,lr,[sp,#-0x10]!
	adrp        xip0,__os_arm64x_dispatch_call
	ldr         xip0,[xip0,__os_arm64x_dispatch_call]
	adrp        x9,|#func$hp_target|
	add         x9,x9,|#func$hp_target|
	adrp        x10,|$iexit_thunk$cdecl$i8$v|
	add         x10,x10,|$iexit_thunk$cdecl$i8$v|
	adrp        x11,func
	add         x11,x11,func
	blr         xip0
	ldp         fp,lr,[sp],#0x10
	br          x11

	ENDP  ; |#func$hybpatch_thunk|

This thunk uses __os_arm64x_dispatch_call to perform the call. It passes an address of the actual ARM64EC implementation (#func$hp_target) in x9, exit thunk in x10 and x86_64 thunk in x11. __os_arm64x_dispatch_call checks if the code was patched and depending on its status, setups a direct EC call or an emulator call to patched x86_64 thunk.

Finally, #func$hp_target is the actual func implementation:

|#func$hp_target| PROC
; File patchable.c
; Line 2
	mov         w0,#1

Note that patchable functions need both entry and exit to guest thunks:

dumpbin.exe -all patchable.obj

  Offset           Type             From       To
 --------  ---------------------  --------  --------
 00000000  exitthunk_to_guest            E        17  #func$hybpatch_thunk -> func
 0000000C  native_to_entrythunk         15        11  #func$hp_target -> $ientry_thunk$cdecl$i8$v

Static libs

Similar to ARM64X for executables, static libraries may contain both ARM64EC (that includes x86_64) object files and pure ARM64 object files. In fact, MSVC doesn't provide a separate set of static libraries for ARM64EC. Instead, its ARM64 static libraries contain both pure ARM64 and ARM64EC versions in the same file.

Since ARM64 and ARM64EC use different symbol namespaces, they need separated symbol maps. MSVC introduced a new section called /<ECSYMBOLS>/. EC objects are added to the offset table of regular map, but the symbols themselves are added to the new section instead. The format of the new section is similar to the regular map, except it doesn't contain object offset table. It starts with a 32-bit integer N containing a number of symbols, followed by N 16-bit indices to object files, followed by N null-terminated strings containing symbol names.


$ cat test.c
void test(void) {}
$ cl -c test.c -Fo:artest-arm64.obj
$ cl -c test.c -Fo:artest-arm64ec.obj -arm64EC
$ lib -machine:arm64ec -out:artest.lib artest-arm64.obj artest-arm64ec.obj
$ llvm-nm --print-armap lartest.lib
Archive map
test in artest-arm64.obj

Archive EC map
#test in artest-arm64ec.obj
$ientry_thunk$cdecl$v$v in artest-arm64ec.obj


TODO: Describe linking to x86_64 libraries.


ARM64EC importlibs use mangled symbol name in its importlib object files. This is different than the actual export name, so a new IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_EXPORTAS name type was introduced. This export name type adds a null terminated string stored in the end of importlib object file (after module name). For ARM64EC importlibs, this contains the unmangled symbol name. See winedump implementation.


$ cat imptest.def
NAME test.dll

$ lib -machine:arm64ec -def:imptest.def -out:test.lib
$ winedump test.lib
  Version      : 0
  Machine      : A641 (ARM64EC)
  TimeDateStamp: 64E7C2EE Thu Aug 24 22:51:58 2023
  SizeOfData   : 00000014
  DLL name     : test.dll
  Symbol name  : #test
  Type         : code
  Name type    : export as
  Export name  : test
  Hint         : 0

When such library is read (by lib.exe or link.exe), it is treated as having 4 symbols. In addition to the usual test and __imp_test symbols, it also contains __imp_aux_test and #test symbols.

TODO: describe symbols, auxiliary IAT, import thunks, import call thunk and auxiliary IAT symbols

Delayed imports



Windows allows combining ARM64EC code (which may also include x86_64) with pure ARM64 code within a single module. Such modules use ARM64 as PE machine type, so there is no extra work needed when such module is loaded into ARM64 process. When loaded into an x86_64 process, the loader applies additional relocations to replace PE headers with their ARM64EC versions. TODO: describe more details

From toolchain point of view, this is a linker feature. A typical way to produce ARM64X binary is to build source twice: as ARM64 and as ARM64EC binaries and pass both of them to linker. Since, other than being stored in the same module, ARM64 and ARM64EC code is totally separated, linker needs to handle two separated symbol tables and pick the right one depending on the context. TODO: describe more details.

This page was last edited on 25 August 2023, at 21:16.