
Wine Developer's Guide/Other Debugging Techniques

Revision as of 06:57, 29 March 2022 by Alex Henrie (talk | contribs) (restored first half of section about figuring out undocumented function arguments, plus an example program based on Zeb's code attached to and also added a warning about disassembling Windows DLLs)

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Understanding undocumented APIs

Some background: On the i386 class of machines, stack entries are usually dword (4 bytes) in size, little-endian. The stack grows downward in memory. The stack pointer, maintained in the esp register, points to the last valid entry; thus, the operation of pushing a value onto the stack involves decrementing esp and then moving the value into the memory pointed to by esp (i.e., push p in assembly resembles *(--esp) = p; in C). Removing (popping) values off the stack is the reverse (i.e., pop p corresponds to p = *(esp++); in C).

In the stdcall calling convention, arguments are pushed onto the stack right-to-left. For example, the C call myfunction(40, 20, 70, 30); is expressed in Intel assembly as:

push 30
push 70
push 20
push 40
call myfunction

The called function is responsible for removing the arguments off the stack. Thus, before the call to myfunction, the stack would look like:

         [local variable or temporary]
         [local variable or temporary]
esp ->    40

After the call returns, it should look like:

         [local variable or temporary]
esp ->   [local variable or temporary]

To restore the stack to this state, the called function must know how many arguments to remove (which is the number of arguments it takes). This is a problem if the function is undocumented.

One way to discover the number of arguments each function takes is to create a wrapper around that function that detects the stack offset. Essentially, the wrapper assumes that the function will take a large number of arguments. The wrapper copies each of these arguments into its stack, calls the actual function, and then calculates the number of arguments by checking esp before and after the call. For example:

#define __WINE_PE_BUILD
#include "include/wine/asm.h"

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

unsigned int get_arg_count(void *func);
__ASM_GLOBAL_FUNC( get_arg_count,
    "movl 4(%esp),%eax\n\t"
    "pushl %esi\n\t"
    "pushl %edi\n\t"
    "pushl $0\n\t"
    "pushl $0\n\t"
    "pushl $0\n\t"
    "pushl $0\n\t"
    "pushl $0\n\t"
    "pushl $0\n\t"
    "pushl $0\n\t"
    "pushl $0\n\t"
    "movl %esp,%esi\n\t"
    "call *%eax\n\t"
    "movl %esp,%edi\n\t"
    "leal 32(%esi),%esp\n\t"
    "movl %edi,%eax\n\t"
    "subl %esi,%eax\n\t"
    "popl %edi\n\t"
    "popl %esi\n\t"
    "ret\n\t" )

int main(void)
    HMODULE dll = LoadLibraryA("urlmon.dll");
    void *proc = GetProcAddress(dll, "BindAsyncMoniker");
    printf("%d\n", get_arg_count(proc));
    return 0;

Save this program code in the root of the wine source directory and compile it with i686-w64-mingw32-cc. The main limitation of this method is that the function must not crash when all arguments are zero, but in this example, we are in luck: When the program is run on Windows, it prints 20, which means that the BindAsyncMoniker function takes 20 bytes' worth of arguments from the stack. You could then write an experimental function prototype with 20 bytes of arguments, and observe what is passed in when the function is called from Windows programs, changing the type and name of each argument once you understand what it represents.

You may be tempted to disassemble Windows DLLs or look at Microsoft source code to figure out undocumented functions. Don't do it. Such methods are a violation of the Clean Room Guidelines and would make your contribution to the Wine project legally unacceptable.

How to do regression testing using Git

A problem that can happen sometimes is “it used to work before, now it doesn't anymore...”. Here is a step by step procedure to try to pinpoint when the problem occurred. This is NOT for casual users.

  1. Clone the “Git” repository from winehq. It's more than 100Mb, so it may take some time with a slow Internet connection.

  2. If you found that something broke between wine-1.1.42 and wine-1.1.44 (these are [WWW] release tags). To start regression testing we run:

    git bisect start
    git bisect good wine-1.1.42
    git bisect bad wine-1.1.44

    If you have exact date/time instead of a release you will need to use sha1 IDs from git log.

  3. Having told Git when things were working and when they broke, it will automatically “position” your source tree to the middle. So all you need to do is build the source:

    ./configure && make clean && make depend && make
    ./wine 'c:\test.exe'

    If the version of Wine that Git picked still has the bug, run:

    git bisect bad

    and if it does not, run:

    git bisect good

    When you run this command, Git will checkout a new version of Wine for you to rebuild, so repeat this step again. When the regression has been isolated, git will inform you.

    To find out what's left to test, try:

    git bisect visualize.
  4. When you have found the bad patch and want to go back to the current HEAD run:

    git bisect reset
  5. If you find the patch that is the cause of the problem, you have almost won; report about it to Wine Bugzilla or subscribe to wine-devel and post it there. There is a chance that the author will jump in to suggest a fix; or there is always the possibility to look hard at the patch until it is coerced to reveal where is the bug :-)

Which code has been tested?

Deciding what code should be tested next can be a difficult decision. And in any given project, there is always code that isn't tested where bugs could be lurking. This section goes over how to identify these sections using a tool called gcov.

To use gcov on wine, do the following:

  1. In order to activate code coverage in the wine source code, when running make set EXTRACFLAGS and LDFLAGS like so: make EXTRACFLAGS=--coverage LDFLAGS=--coverage. Note that this can be done at any directory level. Since compile and run time are significantly increased by these flags, you may want to only use these flags inside a given dll directory.
  2. Run any application or test suite.
  3. Run gcov on the file which you would like to know more about code coverage.

The following is an example situation when using gcov to determine the coverage of a file could be helpful. We'll use the dlls/advapi32/registry.c file. At one time the code in this file was not fully tested (as it may still be). For example at the time of this writing, the function RegSetValueW had the following lines in it:

if (name && name[0])  /* need to create the subkey */
    if ((ret = RegCreateKeyW( hkey, name, &subkey )) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ret;

Currently there are a few tests written to test this function. However, these tests don't check that everything is correct. Using gcov and directed tests, we can validate the correctness of this line of code. First, we see what has been tested already by running gcov on the file. To do this, do the following:

cd dlls/advapi32
make clean && make EXTRACFLAGS=--coverage LDFLAGS=--coverage
cd tests
make test
cd ..
gcov registry.c
less registry.c.gcov

The interesting code part looks like this in registry.c.gcov:

    4: 1273:    if (name && name[0])  /* need to create the subkey */
    -: 1274:    {
#####: 1275:        if ((ret = RegCreateKeyW( hkey, name, &subkey )) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ret;
    -: 1276:    }

gcov output consists of three components: the number of times a line was run, the line number, and the actual text of the line. Note: If a line is optimized out by the compiler, it will appear as if it was never run. Line 1275 is never executed, most likely because name is never passed to the function. In order to validate this line, we need to do two things. First, we must write the test:

ret = RegSetValueW(hkey_main, name1W, REG_SZ, string1W, sizeof(string1W));
ok(ret == ERROR_SUCCESS, "RegSetValueW failed: %d, GLE=%d\n", ret, GetLastError());
test_hkey_main_Value_A(name1A, string1A, sizeof(string1A));
test_hkey_main_Value_W(name1W, string1W, sizeof(string1W));

Once we add in this test case, we now want to know if the line in question is run by this test and works as expected. You should be in the same directory as in the previous command example. The only difference is that we have to remove the *.gcda files in order to start the count over. (If we leave the files then the number of times the line is run is just added, e.g. line 545 below would be run 19 times.) We remove the *.gcov files because they are out of date and need to be recreated:

rm *.gcda *.gcov
cd tests
make test
cd ..
cd ..
gcov registry.c
less registry.c.gcov

The interesting code part looks like this in registry.c.gcov:

 5: 1273:    if (name && name[0])  /* need to create the subkey */
 -: 1274:    {
 1: 1275:        if ((ret = RegCreateKeyW( hkey, name, &subkey )) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ret;
 -: 1276:    }

Based on gcov, we now know that line 1275 is executed once. And since all of our other tests have remain unchanged, we can assume that the one time it is executed is to satisfy the testcase we added where we check for it. Thus we have validated a line of code. While this is a cursory example, it demonstrates the potential usefulness of this tool.

For a further in depth description of gcov, the official gcc compiler suite page for gcov is

This page was last edited on 29 March 2022, at 06:57.