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Possible revisions to this page

This page is overly long and poorly organized. Possible ideas for reorganizing:

  • Split the Troubleshooting section off to a separate page
Possible; that is the longest section, and the most likely to grow even further.
Splitting off only the Warning and Error Messages subsection to a new page is also a possibility, and less disruptive. That subsection may have the most potential for expansion.
  • More radically, put each section on a subpage and make the main FAQ page a table of contents to those pages
This would greatly increase the maintenance burden, as that page would have to be manually kept up-to-date. Probably not a good idea.
  • Create more subgroupings like the Graphics, Sound, and Networking sections; possibly Fonts and Input Devices
(Currently being done; see Work in progress below)

--RosanneDiMesio (talk) 10:02, 26 February 2016 (CST)

Work in progress

  1. The Troubleshooting section has been reorganized with additional subgroups; currently focusing on doing the same for other sections
  2. Several redundant questions have been consolidated; more work to be done on that
  3. The Wine User's Guide is now on the wiki, and some of the info currently in the FAQ really belongs there.
Items that are now answered in the User's Guide:
"How does the Wine version numbering system work?"
"How do I run an installer using Wine?"
"How do I run an application once I've installed it?"
"How should I start Windows programs from the command line?"
"How do I pass command line arguments to a program?"
"How do I install/run a .msi file?"

(The questions are still here for now, but the answers are links to the User's Guide. Eventually, the questions should be removed from here.)

(List updated 17:01, 27 February 2016 (CST))

--RosanneDiMesio (talk) 10:02, 26 February 2016 (CST)

This page was last edited on 27 February 2016, at 23:05.