
Wine-Staging Miscellaneous Configuration

All Wine Staging specific registry settings which do not have a dedicated wiki entry are mentioned on this page. As described on the Configuration entry, you can change the settings using regedit.

Tablet / Media Center

On Windows application can check through the GetSystemMetrics API function whether the system is a tablet and/or Media Center. Wine Staging contains a patch to configure the return value through the registry.

Registry Key (HKCU\Software\Wine\) Type Values Description
...\System\TabletPC DWORD 0 / 1 1 if the system is a tablet pc, otherwise 0
...\System\MediaCenter DWORD 0 / 1 1 if the system is a media center, otherwise 0

The same values can also be configured using the application specific registry keys.

DirectSound Mixing buffers

Wine does not support hardware mixing of sound buffers (and most linux sound drivers don't support it either) and therefore the whole sound mixing is done on the CPU. This can cause trouble for games that use DirectSound with many different sound buffers, especially if they have different sampling rates. Some games even use one sound buffer per sound causing Wines complicated sound mixing algorithm to slow down the whole game. We added a patch to Wine Staging which uses a faster but slightly more incorrect algorithm if a specific number of sound buffers is exceeded. The default limit is 4 but it can be changed through the following registry key.

Registry Key (HKCU\Software\Wine\) Type Values Description
...\DirectSound\HQBuffersMax DWORD >= 0 buffer limit

The same values can also be configured using the application specific registry keys.

This page was last edited on 3 January 2017, at 19:42.